Complete Balloons » G-CJCE Ultramagic M-77C
G-CJCE Ultramagic M-77C
G-CJCE, Ultramagic M-77C, built 2016, only 7 flights. Ultralast top, 6 clear view panels in top, turning vents. In as new condition. Ultramagic C3 basket, built 2009, 92 flights, 103 hrs. Red suede top rim, hardwood runners on one side. Ultramagic MK21 double burner, built 2009, 92 flights, 103 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings. Currently located in Spain, happy to assist with transportation. ARC valid until September 2018.

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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 21-05-2018.